Municipalities in Transition | An opportunity to activate multiple local networks

To bring together local networks is to cultivate the strength of a community and foster its knowledge and broaden its visibility.  This action creates possibilities for interaction and synergies between each person in the territory. Communities make the most of their skills and talents, as well as collective intelligence to promote dreams, initiatives and projects, and improve what is already changing.

Come and discover the experience and developments of the Municipalities in Transition Project in Vila Mariana, São Paulo/Brazil!

We will give an overview of what is the Municipalities in Transition Project and its components, how it unfolded in its improvement phases and, also, share the process and lessons learned from the experience that took place in Brazil, in Vila Mariana especially.

During this conversation, we will open space to listen to other initiatives in Abya Yala (from Alaska to Patagonia) that activate local networks, activating multiple actors, looking at the territory from a systemic exercise, with the objective of responding to the challenges of our time.

Learn how to activate your local networks, and understand how you can better collaborate and come together.

You will be able to leave energized and inspired to work better in your territory and want to discover the potentialities that are available and need/can be connected.

Come to this conversation and find out more!

Lara Freitas


Biourbanist, Master in urban management, Permaculturist. Co-founder of the Ecobairro Permanent Program since 2004. Certified facilitator of Gaia Education, Tutor of GEDS – Gaia Education Design for Sustainability/Ecological Design and Design Studio, of the Municipalities in Transition Project – MiT, coordinates the application of the One Planet Living/Bioregional Methodology in Villa Mariana.
Associated with Regenerative Landscape Design.


Sara SilvaSara Silva


Sara Silva is a landscape architect and since 2008 has been working with community-led initiatives and municipalities as a facilitator towards regenerative ways of living and inclusive collaboration. She’s a tutor and part of the MiT core team and is also a project manager at ECOLISE.



Event Details

  • September 9th, 2022
  • 1-3pm Colombia and México, 2-4pm Chile, 3-5pm Brasil, 6-8pm UTC, 7-9pm London